
Google Analytics Antics

I have finally stopped laughing long enough to share this masterful cock-up with the world (or at least the few people who are actually interested in my everyday fumbling about).

How I solve a problem

Efficient planning has always been my forte. With development however sometimes I just get stuck and it's not as clear cut how long it will take to get unstuck. How do I make sure I still keep rolling and focus on the task even when it's starting to get a tad frustrating? Read on to find out.

Analytics Edge

Being a prolific ‘Google Analytics Investigator’ and lover of everything data I was thrilled to find out that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Analytics Edge course is free and open to attend online. The course covers a lot from linear and logistic regression to k-means clustering and integer optimisation whilst teaching you how to use R, a simple but massively powerful language.