How I’ve failed to become a developer twice
Is there going to be a third time? This is a little self-reflection and looking far-far back in history...I'm old.
How I deal with the unknown
Starting over in your thirties is fun. You might think I am being sarcastic but, honestly, I am quite enjoying the journey so far.
Google Analytics Antics
I have finally stopped laughing long enough to share this masterful cock-up with the world (or at least the few people who are actually interested in my everyday fumbling about).
Switching to Jekyll
After the great, error message filled adventure of switching to Linux, I have decided - in the name of nudging myself out of my comfort zones - to switch my blog to Jekyll.
Switching to Ubuntu [error]
It has always been in the back of my mind to rid myself of Windows and convert to Linux
Do Accessible CAPTCHAs exist?
Spoiler alert: the answer is no
How I solve a problem
Efficient planning has always been my forte. With development however sometimes I just get stuck and it's not as clear cut how long it will take to get unstuck. How do I make sure I still keep rolling and focus on the task even when it's starting to get a tad frustrating? Read on to find out.
Analytics Edge
Being a prolific ‘Google Analytics Investigator’ and lover of everything data I was thrilled to find out that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Analytics Edge course is free and open to attend online. The course covers a lot from linear and logistic regression to k-means clustering and integer optimisation whilst teaching you how to use R, a simple but massively powerful language.